Luchd-saothrachaidh agus solaraichean pìoban stàilinn gun staoin
Rannsaich Roinn naidheachdan Naidheachdan Tags Na Naidheachdan as ùire Am Tasglann

1. Welding Process

Pipes welding and shaping relies upon the grade and application specification. Steel sheets enter a welding machine where they are looped and welded. At the point when the steel sheets enter the machine, they are shaped to a curl. These loops are then welded at the crease to shape a pipe.

The standard materials commonly used are:

  • 304 Stàilinn nach meirg
  • 304L stainless steel
  • 316 Stàilinn nach meirg
  • 316L stainless steel

2. Drawing Process

The process of floating/drawing is to pull a metal bar, rod, or wire throughout a pass on to adjust its completion, shape, size, or potentially mechanical properties. The pipe drawing strategy lessens the external breadth, inward distance across, and divider thickness of the pipes. This maintains the integrity of the pipe surface, is ideal for treated steel pipes.

3. Annealing

Annealing is the way toward warming metal above re-crystallization and cooling it back to room temperature. When metal is framed to shape, the molecular bonds fix making the metal firm. To reestablish flexibility, the metal is measure through toughening machines. Jinsuiying have the professional bright annealing furnace.

4. Sinking Process

Pipe sinking is a drawing process that shrink pipes to a smaller diameter. In this drawing strategy, a pipe is measure through a pass on without a mandrel being embedded. With a mandrel, great internal surface quality isn't ensured. The external surface integrity is controlled by die angel. The pipe can be shrank to an important point of its original size.

5. Review and Test

We review checks to ensure the quality performance of our products prior to delivery out to our clients.

General inspection includes:

  • OD/ID/WT Tolerance
  • Welding condition
  • Cracks
  • Scratches
  • Bending
  • Discoloration
  • Hardness and other inspections

Foshan Jinsuying Stainless Steel Material Co., Ltd, the company has own factory and specializes in manufacturing stainless steel welded pipes including rectangle pipes, pìoban ceàrnagach agus pìoban cruinn le diofar mheudan.

Our factory is equipped with many advanced production equipment, such as automatic argon arc welder, PAW welding machine, bead roller, polisher, encoder, etc. We can produce 5000 gu 6000 tonna de phìoban.

Bruidhinn ri SUSAN XU
mar-thà 1902 brathan

  • SUSAN XU 10:12 AM, An-diugh
    Halò, a dhuine uasail / bhean uasail, fàilte don làrach-lìn againn! Is mise SUSAN XU,ciamar a bu chòir dhomh bruidhinn riut?