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What are the differences between stainless steel decorative pipes and industrial pipes?
For stainless steel decorative pipes and industrial pipes, although both are stainless steel pipes, there are certain differences between them. Needless to say, there is a gap in the application field, and the use determines the material, process, surface, etc. of the two.
Next, let’s take a closer look at the differences between stainless steel decorative pipes and industrial pipes?
1. Material
Stainless steel decorative pipes are generally made of 201, 304 stainless steel for indoor use, and 316 is used for harsh outdoor environments or coastal areas, as long as the environment used is not easy to cause oxidation and rust.
Industrial pipes are mainly used for fluid transportation, heat exchange, etc. They have certain requirements for corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, and pressure resistance of the pipes.
304, 316, 316L corrosion-resistant 300 series stainless steel materials will be selected. Heat exchange tubes pay more attention to the high temperature resistance of pipe fittings. Generally, 310S and 321 stainless steel with high temperature resistance are selected.
ከSUSAN XU ጋር ይወያዩ
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